
US9131668: Tumor model system useful to study multistage cancer

The invention relates to a method of developing a Tumor Model System. The invention deals with a tumor model system with adhesion deprived cells. This observation provides a new method for primary detection of transformation of adhesion-deprived cells and tumorigenicity. The adhesion-deprived cells can metastasise at distant sites, and the model system includes both the tumor formation and metastasis.

Filing Date: 17-09-2013

Issue Date: 15-09-2015

Applicant: CSIR–Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology (CSIR-CCMB), Hyderabad

Patent No: US9131668

Application No: 14/029331

Inventor(s): Jinka, Rajeswari (Hyderabad, In); Pande, Gopal (Hyderabad, In)

Country: United States of America

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