
US9127080: Protein-coding RNA to correct mitochondrial dysfunction

The invention provides compositions and methods for using correctional RNA, with a proteinaceous carrier, to stimulate respiration of the cells, tissues, organs or the whole organism of normal or diseased subjects. In one embodiment of the invention, the signal-tagged correctional RNA is one or more protein-coding RNAs (pcRNA) that encode one or more of human mitochondrial proteins. The invention specifically provides a broad-spectrum formulation applicable to a wide variety of disorders that are associated with mitochondrial mutations.

Filing Date: 28-08-2009

Issue Date: 08-09-2015

Applicant: CSIR-Indian Institute of Chemical Biology (CSIR-IICB), Kolkata

Patent No: US9127080

Application No: 12/584059

Inventor(s): Adhya Samit

IPC Classification: C07H21/04, C12N 15/63, C07K 14/47, A61K48/00, A61K 31/715

Country: United States of America

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