
US8722952: Process for production of benzene lean gasoline by recovery of high purity benzene from unprocessed cracked gasoline fraction containing organic peroxides

Disclosed is a process for production of benzene lean gasoline by recovery of high purity benzene from a narrow boiling benzene concentrated unprocessed cracked gasoline fraction. The process involves subjecting the feed material to an extractive distillation (ED) operation using an aromatic selective solvent in combination with a co-solvent.

Filing Date: 09-08-2013

Issue Date: 13-05-2014

Applicant: CSIR-Indian Institute of Petroleum (CSIR-IIP), Dehradun

Patent No: US8722952

Application No: 13/963772

Inventor(s): Garg Madhukar Onkarnath; Nanoti Shrikant Madhusudan; Nautiyal Bhagat Ram; Sunil Kumar; Ghosh Prasenjit; Nisha; Yadav Pooja; Jagdish Kumar; Tiwari Manish; Rao Meka Raja Gopala; Murthy Nagarathinam Shenbaga

IPC Classification: C07C7/08

Country: United States of America

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