
Process for the preparation of a monoglyceride

An improved process for the preparation of a monoglyceride by reacting a fatty acid and glycerol in the presence of a food grade polar solvent. The process avoid the use of catalysts.

Filing Date: 28-02-2001

Issue Date: 31-12-2002

Patent No: US6500974 [USA]

Application No: 796083

Inventor(s): Thengumpillil, Narayana Balagopala Kaimal; Penumarthy, Vijayalakshmi; Ayyagari, Ananta Laxmi

Licensing Option: Laboratory willing to jointly develop technology with industrial partner.

Implementing institute: CSIR-Indian Institute of Chemical Technology [CSIR-IICT]

Funding agency: Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR)

IPC Classification: C11C003/00

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