
IN267686: An apparatus for the prevention of biofouling

Marine fouling is an economically important problem facing all the maritime nations of world. Presently antifouling paints are used to combat fouling. Use of TBT-SPC antifouling paints adversely affects marine organisms resulting in environmental regulations to limit the usage. Environmental concerns over the potential impact of antifouling paints in the past have led to regulatory measures in USA and around the world. Keeping in mind the economic losses caused by fouling and environmental hazards rendered by the use of antifouling paints, and in line with the urgent need for development of an eco-friendly process for prevention of fouling as emphasized by the United Nations Marine Environment Protection Committee, the apparatus has been developed for effective prevention of biofouling on the surfaces of steel and RCC materials of uniform configuration submerged in sea, using pneumatic system. The effective prevention of fouling is achieved without using any chemical or hazardous substance.

Filing Date: 29-09-2006

Issue Date: 28-07-2015

Applicant: CSIR-Central Electrochemical Research Institute (CSIR-CECRI), Karaikudi

Patent No: IN267686

Application No: 2162DEL2006

Inventor(s): Gopalan Subramaniam, Pitchai Veeramani, Seeni Palanichamy

IPC Classification: A61L

Indian Classification: FI09

Country: India

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