
IN222209: A process for the preparation of garcinia extract powder from Garcinia pedunculata

The invention provides a process for the preparation of Garcinia extract powder from Garcinia pedunculata, comprising extracting the pieces of Garcinia pedunculata with water by autoclaving for a period of 20to50 minutes at a pressure ranging between 5to20 psi.

Filing Date: 31-07-2002

Issue Date: 28-07-2008

Applicant: CSIR-Central Food Technological Research Institute (CSIR-CFTRI), Mysore

Patent No: IN222209

Application No: 0794DEL2002

Inventor(s): Ramakrishnan CA, Jayaprakasha GK, Barhate RS, Jena BS, Jayaprakashan SG, Mallikarjuna KS, Raghavarao S, Sakariah KK

IPC Classification: A61K 31/19

Country: India

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