Workshops & Training Programmes


This workshop involves five days of intensive training given by ILS scientists and industry experts. The training includes sample preparation, imaging, processing and analysis of the images obtained with wide-field and confocal microscopes. The course also offers special training on high-through-put microscopy (high content microscopy, Cellomics) for drug screening, which includes sample preparation, acquiring, and analysis of the data.

Event type: Workshops & Training Programmes

Target Group: School, Graduation, PhD, Post-Doctoral, Faculty and Scientists

National/International: National

Area: Life Sciences & Biotechnology, Chemical Sciences

Contact details:


Ministry/Deptt/Institution:Institute of Life Sciences, Nalco Square, Chandrasekharpur, Bhubaneswar, India

Venue & Location:Institute of Life Sciences (ILS), Bhubaneswar

Start date: 11-Dec-2019

End date: 15-Dec-2019