Call for Proposals

Cooperation on Climate Change and Polar Research between Ministry of Earth Sciences (MoES) and the European Union (EU) under the R&I programme 'HORIZON EUROPE'

Researchers and innovators from universities and research organisations from India can team up with European partners in the calls for proposals published by the European Commission (EC) under its Research and Innovation programme 'Horizon Europe' (2023-2024). Through participation in 'Horizon Europe', the partners can benefit from access to talent, knowledge, data and infrastructures, and connect to world-leading teams, networks, value chains and address jointly global challenges. Based on the principle 'Horizon Europe' Open to the World', Indian entities can participate in all 'Horizon Europe' Calls (2023-2024) but they are not funded by 'Horizon Europe'.

Eligibility: Indian Entities Eligible to Participate: Academic/Research Partners:
  • Public and/or private universities and research organisations must have a well-established
  • research support system, for basic or applied research; and
European Entities Eligible to Participate: Any type of organisation can apply for Horizon Europe funding as long as they have the operational and financial capacity to carry out the tasks that they propose.

 Last date: Tuesday, April 30, 2024