
US7955663: Process for the simultaneous and selective preparation of single-walled and multi-walled carbon nanotubes

Processes for the simultaneous and selective growth of single walled and multiwalled carbon nanotubes in a single set of experiments are disclosed. The processes may include preparing a graphite electrode rod containing catalyst selected from Fe, Co, Ni, and a mixture thereof, acting as an anode. The process may include preparing another graphite electrode rod, each electrode having a distal and a proximal end. The process may include placing the above said two electrodes parallel to each other and their axis being substantially aligned in a chamber. The process may further include creating a DC-arc discharge inside the chamber by applying a DC-current voltage. The process may further include an cooling assembly having a cooling coil that surrounds the two electrodes. The cooling assembly may be used to maintain a temperature gradient that permits the depositing of single walled and multiwalled carbon nanotubes simultaneously in one experiment.

Filing Date: 05-11-2007

Issue Date: 07-06-2011

Applicant: CSIR-National Physical Laboratory (CSIR-NPL), New Delhi

Patent No: US7955663

Application No: 11/934816

Inventor(s): Rakesh Behari Mathur; Chottey Lal; Tersemlal Dhami; Bhanu Pratap Singh; Anil Kumar Gupta; Jagdish Ghawana

IPC Classification: H01T 14/00

Country: United States of America

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