
A process for making mineral wool reinforced polymer composite board

A process for making mineral wool reinforced polymer composite board . The present invention provides a mineral wool polymer composition and a method of making composite product which consist of core making and laminating a sheet over the core. Mineral wool is reinforced in polymer matrix which acts as binder for developing the core, comprises 10-90 wt% of mineral wool (fibre) in free form or pretreated bonded form. Developed core is laminated by an adhesive to a ply sheet / metal sheet/ laminated sheet/ fibre reinforced polymer sheet to form board, panel / door shutter/ window etc. The polymer used is of thermosetting type.

Filing Date: 09-11-1998

Issue Date: 22-02-2008

Patent No: IN215257 [India]

Application No: 3326/DEL/1998

Inventor(s): Navin Chand, Syed Azhar Rasheed Hashmi, Avinash Chandra Khazanchi, Tadimetty Chakrapni Rao

Licensing Option: Laboratory willing to jointly develop technology with industrial partner

IPC Classification: C03C37/00

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