Grassroot Innovations

Borewell Scanner

Details: Borewell scanners are used to ascertain the depth, inflow and outflow of water, kind of water source and the borewell formation (structure and material around the bore). It helps farmers to make an informed decision about going ahead with the installation of motor/pump and the kind of crop to be sown in particular season. This particular borewell scanner is equipped with a camera, digital compass, temperature and pressure sensors, flow and depth detector, GPS device and a LCD screen to display the assessment results. It can scan the bore well up to a depth of 600 feet.

Innovator: Girish Badragond, Bangalore, Karnataka

State: Bangalore, Karnataka

Funding agency: Department of Science and Technology, Govt of India

Implementing institute: National Innovation Foundation India (NIF),


This scanner helps farmers choose the right pump, plan crops & manage water efficiently, saving money and boosting yields.

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