

Medical Sciences

Medical sciences encompass Medical Biotechnology, Medical Biochemistry, Health &Climate Change, Food & Nutrition, Medical Instrumentation, Bio statistics, Medical Microbiology, Nanotechnology, Toxicology, Medical Genetics and so on. 

Total number of Record(s): 443
Name of Technology Developing Agency
AI based app which helps in early detection of developmental delay in18 months to 60 months old children along with their intervention plan. Cogniable International Pvt. Ltd., Gurugram, Haryana
AI based Pre-emptive Screening Platform for Alzheimers Rangan Ghosh-Aizheimers, West Bengal
AI Based Remote Physiotherapy Treatment Platform Driven by Physiotherapy Experts SMART Home Healthcare Solutions Private Limited, Tamil Nadu
AI Scribe - Clinical documentation support for doctors Dr H N Suma, Bangalore
AI-based screening of cataract disease from smartphone images Nex Fitzap Private Limited, West Bengal
AI/ML based Platform for Neonatal Sepsis Prediction Avyantra Health Technologies Pvt Ltd, Hyderabad, Telangana
Aircrew Survival Jacket Defence Bioengineering and Electromedical Laboratory (DEBEL), Bangalore
Aircrew Survival Jacket Defence Bioengineering and Electromedical Laboratory (DEBEL), Bangalore
AiSense: Sensing Disease with Ease Using Artificial Intelligence and Bio-Signals AISense LLP, Maharashtra
Albumin to creatinine ratio strips and reader Department of BSBE, Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Mumbai
