
Agricultural Sciences


Tatura trellis recommended for maximizing fruit yield in Kavery passion fruit


Agricultural Sciences

Sub Area:

Food development

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Developing Agency:

Indian Institute of Horticultural Research (IIHR), Bengaluru

Technology Readiness Index:

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Brief Description

Description :

Evaluation of different training systems for `Kaveri’ passion fruit indicated that the Kniffin system in genera was the next ideal training system with high cost benefit ratio (4.09-4.25). Under this system, the vines recorded the highest cumulative yield (66.22 t/ha.) under 4 arm Kniffin followed by 2 arm and 6 arm respectively. Although the Tatura system recorded highest cumulative yield/vine 943.57 kg, it recorded the lowest yield per ha. due to lower plant population. Photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) and photosynthetic rates were significantly influenced by different training systems.

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