
Engineering Sciences, Chemical Sciences


Equipment for measuring electromagnetic shielding ability of textiles


Engineering Sciences, Chemical Sciences

Focus Area:


Developing Agency:

The Synthetic and Art Silk Mills’ Research Association (SASMIRA), Mumbai

Technology Readiness Index:

Technology Developed

Brief Description

Description :

Developed equipment tests the electromagnetic shielding ability of textiles. It simulates the real life radiation exposure situations. Parallel wave transmission is possible when source of radiation is far-off. But in real life such situation is quite rare. Effect of radiation diminishes as the distance from the source increases. So prediction of a test sample (based upon parallel wave transmission) in real application may be difficult and inaccurate. The developed instrument takes the relative measurement. Measurement accounts the signal strength detected without and with test sample. Relative attenuation in the signal is assessed on the basis of both the values. Equipment is quite Versatile; measurement can be performed over wide range of frequency band between 30 MHZ – 3 GHZ.

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