
Life Sciences & Biotechnology

Research Agricultural

Total number of Record(s): 5828
Title Principal Investigator Start Year Funding Agency Focus Area
Investigating the molecular mechanism of lipid transport by the RDGB protein in the Drosophila photoreceptors Dr. Ranabir Das, Reader (F), Department of Biochemistry Biophysics And Bioinfromatics, National Centre For Biological Sciences (NCBS), Bangalore 2016 Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB), Dept. of Science & Technology (DST), Govt. of India Lipid signalling in Drosophila photoreceptors
Genetic Program Governing Vertebrate development and evolution: Role of twist1 in dual germ layer potential of head neural crest Dr. Ramkumar Sambasivan, Research Investigator, Technology For Advancement of Science, Institute For Stem Cell Biology And Regenerative Medicine (inStem), Bangalore 2016 Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB), Dept. of Science & Technology (DST), Govt. of India Development and evolution of Neural crest
Understanding the role of homologous recombination in genomic rearrangements leading to antigenic diversification in malaria parasites Dr. Mrinal Kanti, Bhattacharyya Associate Professor, Department of Biochemistry, University of Hyderabad, Hyderabad 2016 Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB), Dept. of Science & Technology (DST), Govt. of India Genetic recombination, Antigenic diversification
Structural genomics of methionineaminopeptidase from pathogenicmicrobes interdisciplianry approachto identify specific inhibitors Anthony Addlagatta, Principal Scientist, Centre for Chemical Biology, Indian Institute of Chemical Technology (IICT), Hyderabad 2016 Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB), Dept. of Science & Technology (DST), Govt. of India Genome analysis of methionine aminopeptidase
Structural investigation of tetraspanin CD151 and laminin binding integrin a1: A possible target for cancer therapy Dr. Vijay Thiruvenkatam, Assistant Professor, Department of Biological Engineering & Physics, Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Gandhinagar 2016 Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB), Dept. of Science & Technology (DST), Govt. of India Cancer research
Investigation of the folding andaggregation landscape of superoxidedismutase in vitro and in live cells: itsimplications in Amyotrophic lateralsclerosis (ALS) Dr. Krishnananda Chattopadhyay, Principal Scientist, Division of Structural Biology & BioInformatics, Indian Institute of Chemical Biology (IICB), Kolkata 2016 Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB), Dept. of Science & Technology (DST), Govt. of India Folding and aggregation of superoxide dismutase
Splicing independent function of RNAbinding protein RBM10 in 3-endprocessing and gene expression Dr. Rakesh Singh Laishram, Scientist E1, Rajiv Gandhi Centre For Biotechnology (RGCB), Thiruvanathapuram 2016 Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB), Dept. of Science & Technology (DST), Govt. of India RNA spilcing, Gene expression
Development of Chimeric IL-15 to improve its bioavailability and efficacy Prof. Sarat Kumar Dalai, Director, Institute of Science, Nirma University, Ahmedabad 2016 Department of Biotechnology (DBT), Govt. of India Chimeric IL-15 development
Role of the histone variant H2A.Z in gene regulation Dr. Purnima Bhargava, Emeritus Scientist, Centre For Cellular And Molecular Biology (CCMB), Hyderabad 2016 Department of Biotechnology (DBT), Govt. of India Histone protein in gene regulation
Role of SIRT6 in the development of fibrosis N. Ravi Sundaresan, Assistant Professor, Department of Microbiology and Cell Biology, Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bangalore 2016 Department of Biotechnology (DBT), Govt. of India Protein pathway, Tissue injury
