
Astronomy & Space Sciences

Title :

Solar Photovoltaic based sensing

Area of research :

Astronomy & Space Sciences

Focus area :

Energy for Deep Space Mission

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Executive Summary :

Heat flux is measured based on the Thermopile technology which involves and multi metal junctions integrated in the sensing element. Also, the solar cells convert the irradiated energy into electrical energy this work is towards converting the solar/photovoltaic cell for Heat flux sensing and measurement. The solar cells provide the output voltage/current proportional to the irradiated light energy. It is possible to correlate the irradiated energy spectrum vs heat flux. Hence the solar cell/Photovoltaic can be converted for measurement of Heat flux. Explorative experimental investigations are essential for the development of photovoltaic based heat flux sensing. In this process the IV Generation of solar cells i.e. Pervoskite solar cells are to be studied for conversion efficiency on Visible, IR, UV and Dark energy conversion etc to tune the photovoltaic cells for Heat sensing applications. The work is to be extended towards the efficiency improvement of the photovoltaic cells. And to, enhance the dark current generation in photovoltaic generators. This finds application as power generators in deep space missions where the space probes are engulfed in the e.m. waves.


Dr. S.Murugan, ISRO Propulsion Complex (IPRC), Mahendragir

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