Title : | The Karnataka state COVID-19 serosurvey |
Area of research : | Life Sciences & Biotechnology, Computer Sciences and Information Technology, COVID-19 Research |
Focus area : | Serosurveillance of COVID-19 |
Principal Investigator : | Prof Giridhara R Babu, Public Health Foundation of India (PHFI), Hyderabad |
Timeline Start Year : | 2020 |
Contact info : |, |
Executive Summary : | The state public health measures to quantify the existing burden of disease through epidemiological investigation aided through repeated cross-sectional sentinel surveys. Sentinel surveillance provides high-quality data which can be compared across districts. By conducting repeated rounds of serial cross-sectional surveys throughout the state. As an extensive cross-sectional survey in India, the study was done to estimate the prevalence (acute and past infection) of COVID-19 among adults in the general population of Karnataka state. |
Organizations involved
Implementing Agency : | Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bengaluru |