
Other Areas

Title :

Science Awareness Creation and Exhibition Among Schedule Tribe School Students, Teachers Common people in rural and Hilly areas at Gomati and Dhalai Districts in Tripura

Area of research :

Other Areas

Focus area :

Science Communication and Community Outreach

Principal Investigator :

Mr. Ajit Jamatia, Amchai Welfare Society, Udaipur, Tripura (799114)

Timeline Start Year :


Timeline End Year :


Contact info :


Executive Summary :

The project aims to demonstrate science application to the tribal population, instilling scientific temper and understanding of its importance in society. The primary target group is the tribal community, who lack knowledge in science education due to limited practical lessons. The project aims to address this by providing practical sessions, experience-oriented sessions, and trainings from eminent scholars and educators. This will involve practical demonstrations, quizzes, essay competitions, drawing, and video screenings, covering topics such as biological science, chemistry, physics, mathematical reasoning, environment, and climate change. The initiative also aims to establish students' leadership science clubs in school-level schools, popularizing science among economically and geographically disadvantaged students, developing leadership qualities among science club members, and creating greater interest among teachers and parents towards promoting science education. The project's outcomes include reduced phobia towards science, increased enjoyment and interest in science, improved understanding of the science curriculum, and development of leadership skills among students. Utilization of the project includes promoting students' interest in science, initiating creative science projects, carrying out practical experiments using low-cost science kits, encouraging peer-to-peer learning, providing a platform for interested educators to teach on topics outside the school curriculum, getting students, teachers, and parents involved in promoting science, and developing leadership among students. Project management ensures the project goes as per plan through monitoring and evaluation, which will focus on physical and financial monitoring and evaluation of activities and results. Good record keeping, designing reporting formats, and maintaining log books will be used to provide relevant and timely information for easy analysis. In developing countries like Tripura, where people have little or no knowledge of modern scientific achievements and their applications in daily life, the proposed science awareness and exhibition project aims to inculcate scientific interest among young students, youths, parents, and elderly people. This program may help explore the hidden talents of children and youths in forgotten rural/hilly areas and contribute to the overall development of science and technology.

Total Budget (INR):


Organizations involved

Implementing Agency :

Amchai Welfare Society, Udaipur, Tripura

Funding Agency :

Department of Science and Technology (DST)

Source :

Department of Science and Technology (DST)

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