
Astronomy & Space Sciences

Title :

Development of atomic magnetometer and quantum technologies

Area of research :

Astronomy & Space Sciences

Focus area :

Atomic optics, NMR gyroscope, quantum optics technologies


Executive Summary :

Atomic magnetometers based on alkali vapor cells have acapability of measuring picotesla level magnetic field and isapplicable in Interplanetary missions like Aadithya. Thisalso has the potential to be a subsystem for precisionNuclear Magnetic Resonance Gyroscope. Atomicmagnetometers have found biomedical applications likemagneto cardiography also.This development aims at the design and development ofan optically pumped chip scale rubidium magnetometerwith a sensitivity of pT/?Hz. The magnetic field will bemeasured as the variation of Larmor precession frequencyof the Rubidium atoms in magnetic fields.The technology development involves the design and fabrication vapor cell, optics for pumping and probing of the larmorprecession frequency, heater design for the vapor cell, processing electronics, MEMS based design and fabrication of thecomponents.


Bindu John, ISRO Inertial Systems Unit (IISU), Thiruvananthapuram, Jyothish M, ISRO Inertial Systems Unit (IISU), Thiruvananthapuram

Organizations involved