
IN194994: A process for the production of reduced colour cyanobacteria-spirulina

A process for the production of reduced colour Cyanobactria-Spirulina which comprises a) dispersing of Spirulina powder in a solution of miscible organic solvent and water in a concentration ranging from 10 to 80% for a period of 10 min to 2hr, b) separating the above said Spirulina biomass by centrifugation at about 6000 rpm for 15 min and c) drying at a temperature of 40-50°C for 1-3 hours in hot air oven to obtain reduced colour Cyanobacteria-Spirulina.

Filing Date: 14-03-2002

Issue Date: 17-03-2006

Applicant: CSIR-Central Food Technological Research Institute (CSIR-CFTRI), Mysuru

Patent No: IN194994

Application No: 0236DEL2002

Inventor(s): Sarada R, Chattacharya S, Ravishankar GA

IPC Classification: A23L001/27

Indian Classification: A 23L 1/27

Country: India

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