
US9266818: Process for purification of free bio-amino acids

The invention relates to a green process for purification of free bio amino acids from plant parts, particularly tea leaves and shoots. The invention more particularly relates to an organic solvent free, fast and economical process for purification of natural amino acids on large scale without using any chemical, acid or alkali substance. The invention also relates to a process for purification of bio amino acids from plant and plant parts (renewable bioresources) which are rich in free amino acids.

Filing Date: 05-08-2014

Issue Date: 23-02-2016

Applicant: CSIR-Institute of Himalayan Bioresource Technology (CSIR-IHBT), Palampur

Patent No: US9266818

Application No: 14/376631

Inventor(s): Harsh Pratap Singh; Ajay Rana

IPC Classification: C07C 227/40, C07C 237/06

Country: United States of America

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