Low Cost Wind Mill
In its endeavour to help Agariyas (salt farmers) of Little Rann of Kachchh, by diffusing grassroots innovation of low cost wind mill originally developed by Mehtar Hussian and Mushtak Ahmed of Assam, Alstom Foundation, France approved financial support for installation of 50 wind mills in the first phase. GIAN West is in the process of technology assessments through Alstom Wind experts.
Innovator: Mehtar Hussain and Mustaq Ahemad
Area: Engineering Sciences
Contact Address: Sipajhar
State: Assam
Funding agency: Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD), Govt. of India
National Mission: Skill India
Implementing institute: Gujarat Grassroots Innovations Augmentation Network (GIAN), India

A tilting mechanism facility is provided to tilt and lower the wind mill easily through wire rope at a safe position in adverse situation. Stroke length can be adjusted through crank mechanism. Simple crank arrangement does not require any major and expensive maintenance. It is an environment friendly product with low initial cost and zero operating cost. Earn more profit for the salt farmers and contribute to environment protection also.The technology is protected by patent. The promotion of the windmill as non-renewable source of energy has great relevance in today energy crisis. We need the support of interested individuals / entrepreneurs / organizations in building a total value chain for promoting this useful innovation in order to diffuse this technology to the real end users.