Groundnut nut digger with vibration pads
Details: Facing problem of frequent wear and tear and maneuverability of commercial tractor operated groundnut digger especially at the corners, Ratanram Dudhval modified the groundnut digger by adding a vibration pad/shock absorber spring and two pivoted wheels to its rear. It is claimed to reduce load on the tractor’s three point linkages and increase maneuverability due to wheels, reduction in breakages (mainly bearings) due to vibration pad, approach of machine in corners and easy driving on bunds and channels in the field. The machine, which can be fitted to standard 540 rpm PTO, can cover 0.5 ha/h, consuming 0.75 lit diesel.
Innovator: Ratanram Dudhval, Sikar, Rajasthan
State: Sikar, Rajasthan
Funding agency: Department of Science and Technology, Govt of India
Implementing institute: National Innovation Foundation India (NIF),