Announcements & Opportunities

New bilateral call with Vietnam (Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF)

The SNSF is supporting joint projects by Swiss and Vietnamese researchers. 4 million francs are available for this call for projects on the Swiss side.The Swiss government's bilateral programmes enhance cooperation with non-European countries that have strong research potential. Since 2020, the SNSF has been working in partnership with the National Foundation for Science and Technology Development (NAFOSTED) in Vietnam to fund joint projects between the Swiss and Vietnamese scientific communities

Eligibility: Each proposal for a JRP must have at least one main applicant based in Switzerland and one main applicant based in Vietnam; they are the lead scientists on the Swiss and the Vietnamese side respectively. They bear the main responsibility for the project, including its technical and administrative coordination as well as the timely delivery of scientific and financial reports. Further applicants based in Switzerland and/or Vietnam can also participate in a JRP.

 Last date: Thursday, April 11, 2024