
Engineering Sciences


Domestic Arsenic Water Filter


Engineering Sciences

Focus Area:

Water Filtration

Social Benefits:

Provides arsenic free water to the masses, Long-term exposure toarsenicin drinkingwatercan cause cancer in the skin, lungs, bladder and kidney, It can also cause other skin changes such as thickening and pigmentation. Exposure toarsenicin the workplace by inhalation can also cause lung cancer

Developing Agency:

CSIR- Central Mechanical Engineering Research Institute (CMERI), West Bengal

Technology Readiness Index:

Technology Demonstration

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Brief Description

Description :

Salient features: Flow rate: 4-5 L/H,. Filtering capacity: 1800 L/Cartridge. Filterable arsenic concentration: ~0.3 ppm . Water storage capacity: ~25 L . Affordable and Power free arsenic filter . Cost of purified water : ~10.0 paisa/Liter . Purification Stage: 4- Stages . Maintenance: Through washing the media . 20 Nos. unit deployed in West Bengal for the common people in the areas having elevated level of arsenic in their hand-tubewells. Application: Environmental (Clean Tech.) - Water treatment.

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