
Engineering Sciences


Virtual Intelligent Techniques for Rehabilitation of Persons with Motor Disability: VIBHRA


Engineering Sciences, Medical Sciences

Focus Area:

Virtual Rehabilitation System

Social Benefits:

The virtual rehabilitation system developed has been used on patients with Spinal Cord Injury in an ethically approved clinical trial. The rehabilitation system includes therapy exercises for standing balance, sitting balance, range of motion, and strengthening exercises for both upper and lower limb. The developed system was successfully able to engage the patients in a multidimensional, multisensory virtual environment that appear to be and feel comparable to real events. This brought motivation and voluntary engagement in the patients to perform rehabilitation through the developed system.

Developing Agency:

CSIR-Central Scientific Instruments Organisation (CSIO), Chandigarh

Technology Readiness Index:

Technology Demonstration

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Brief Description

Description :

Real-time visual feedback of the executed movements allows the persons with disabilities to perceive a picture of his movement projected on the screen in real-time and correct compensatory postural adjustment and movement learning. Visual response combined with verbal instructions by the system (zero physiotherapist assistance), can ease the learning of body postures with better biomechanical arrangement while executing the tasks and activities. The therapy system provides intense, continuous and repetitive training to the individuals with disability, simultaneously bringing maximum engagement through fun, animated virtual environments. The system incorporates a novel virtual functional reach test, modified functional reach test and other clinical measures that makes daily quantification of improvement lot easier. The system also continuously records the performance of the users and report it when and wherever required over cloud.

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