Tamil Nadu

Tamil Nadu

Sálim Ali Centre for Ornithology and Natural History (SACON)

SACON have been envisaged encompassing the entire natural history with ornithology at the centre stage. It design and conduct research in ornithology covering all aspects of biodiversity and natural history. Further, it creates data bank, confer honorary awards and disseminate knowledge relating to ornithology and natural history for the benefit of the community.

C. P. R. Environmental Education Centre (CPREEC)

C. P. R. Environmental Education Centre (CPREEC) is a Centre of Excellence in Environmental Education established by the Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate Change (MoEF&CC), Government of India, and CPR Foundation, Chennai, in 1989. Its mandate is to raise awareness and disseminate information about the environment and its various problems. CPREEC develops innovative programmes and builds capacity in the field of education and communication for sustainable development. It endorses attitudes, strategies and technologies that are environmentally sustainable.


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