
COVID-19 Research

Research Agricultural

Total number of Record(s): 717
Title Principal Investigator Start Year Funding Agency Focus Area
COVID19: Automated touchless dispenser for sanitizer Prof. Monika Aggarwal, Professor, Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), New Delhi 2020 NA Development of touchless dispenser
Web-based COVID-19 dashboard 'PRACRITI' - PRediction and Assessment of CoRona Infections and Transmission in India Dr. N M Anoop Krishnan, Assistant Professor, Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), New Delhi 2020 NA Dashboard creation
Affordable PPE coverall with adequate levels of breathability Prof. S M Ishtiaque, Professor Emeritus, Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), New Delhi, Dr. Biswa Ranjan Das, Scientist, Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), New Delhi 2020 NA Development of PPE
Development of knit based masks Prof. Bipin Kumar, Assistant Professor, Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), New Delhi 2020 NA Development of PPE
Hazmat Hoody based Mask Prof. Bipin Kumar, Assistant Professor, Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), New Delhi 2020 NA Development of PPE
Design and Production of good quality other personal protective equipment (PPE) (such as coveralls and hoods etc.) for hospitals & health workers. Prof. Ashwini Agrawal, Professor, Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), New Delhi 2020 NA Development of PPE
Preparation of low cost hand sanitizer in the Chemistry department lab for campus community Prof. Anil J Elias, Professor, Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), New Delhi 2020 NA Hand sanitiser
Sandwich ELISA assay for low cost and rapid detection of coronavirus Prof. Anurag S. Rathore, Professor, Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), New Delhi 2020 NA Detection kit
Use of bioinformatic tools to design a novel peptide for blocking Coronavirus Prof. Anurag S. Rathore, Professor, Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), New Delhi 2020 NA Drug repurposing for COVID-19
Supercomputer-based COVID-19 research: Priority allocation at the institute's High Performance Computing (HPC) facility Dr. M Ali Haider, Associate Professor, Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), New Delhi 2020 NA Drug repurposing for COVID-19
