
Energy Sciences

Research Agricultural

Total number of Record(s): 382
शीर्षक मुख्य जाँचकर्ता शुरुवाती साल निधीयन एजेंसी ध्यानाकर्षण क्षेत्र
High energy and power density rechargeable Lithium-ion batteries assembled with nanostructured electrons Dr. AnindaJiban Bhattacharyya, Associate Professor, Indian Institute of Science (IISc) (IISc), Bengaluru 2015 Department of Science and Technology, Govt. of India Lithium-ion batteries
Novel fabrication of nano structured surfaces and their integration with solar cells Dr. Rabibrata Mukherjee, Associate Professor, Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Kharagpur, West Bengal 2015 Department of Science and Technology, Govt. of India solar cells
Performance and durability improvements in the solar thermal desalination system at Narippaiyur and utilization of reject sea water reject for algae cultivation to produce biogas Dr. S P Viswanathan, Professor, KGDS Renewable Energy Pvt. Ltd 366, ThuduyalurRoad,Kg Campus,Saravanam patti, Coimbatore 2015 Department of Science and Technology, Govt. of India Biogas
Development of improved DS process for mc-Si wafers and their application to solar cells Prof. P. Ramasamy, Director, Sri Sivasubramaniya Nadar (SSN) College of Engineering, Chennai 2015 Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE), Govt. of India, New Delhi NA
Realization of high efficiency interdigitated back-contact (IBC) silicon heterojunction (SHJ) solar cells with novel front structure Dr. Chandan Banerjee, Assistant Professor, Indian Institute of Engineering Science and Technology (IIEST), Shibpur, Howrah, West Bengal 2015 Department of Science and Technology, Govt. of India Silicon heterojunction solar cells
Development of High Efficiency large area, n-type crystalline Silicon solar cell by black silicon emitter surface having rear surface passivation and back surface field with a-Si:H layers Prof. Utpal Gangopadhyay, Professor, Meghnad Saha Institute of Technology, Nazirabad, P.O: Uchhepota via Sonarpur, Behind NRI Complex, West Bengal 2015 Department of Science and Technology, Govt. of India solar cells
Strong NIR absorbing BODIPY incorporated Ru and Porphyrin dyes for design of efficient dye- sensitized solar cells (DSCs) Dr. Pradeepta K Panda, Professor, School of Chemistry, University of Hyderabad(UOH), Telangana 2015 Department of Science and Technology, Govt. of India solar cells
Breaking the ignocellulose barrier by two stagespretreatment for enhanced biogas production Dr. Vivekanand, Assistant Professor,Center for Energy & Environment, Malaviya National Institute of Technology, Jaipur 2015 Department of Biotechnology (DBT), Govt. of India Biogas production
Capacity building Programme in Building Energy Efficiency Dr. Rajiv Sharma, Executive Director, Indo-US Science and Technology Forum, Fulbright House, 12 Hailey Road, New Delhi 2015 Department of Science and Technology, Govt. of India Building Energy Efficiency
Installation of solar panels on Science express Central Electronic Limited, Industrial Area, Sahibabad, Uttar Pradesh 2015 Department of Science and Technology, Govt. of India solar
